July 10, 2023
force/ram/shove (something) down someone's throat (#idiom)
to force someone to accept or like (something, such as one's ideas or beliefs)(逼人哽落去)
She was always forcing her opinions down his throat .
I told her over and over, those girls she tries shoving down my throat aren’t my friends.
birds of feather
people who have the same interests or are very similar in character
She and my mother were birds of a feather.
She wants them to be my friends because she’s close to their mothers and birds of a feather…right?
She rakes the cold gel through my misbehaved brows, and I stifle a groan in my throat.
Spare me your lectures
expresses annoyance or frustration with someone you think too often gives you unwanted advice. It is not polite.
Person A: “I can’t stand my boss. I’ve decided to quit my job.”
Person B: “Quit your job? No, don’t do that! Everybody has problems at work. You should…”
Person A (interrupting): “Oh, spare me your lectures. You always criticize my decisions. I’m going to do this, and you won’t talk me out of it.”
to become ground zero in the battle over abortion(堕胎斗争的中心)
to blockade the clinic doors(封锁诊所的大门)
to form a moving picket that kept the protesters away and allowed clients to pass through. (形成一个移动的警戒线,阻止抗议者进入,并允许客户通过。)
By the end of the eighties, the war against abortion was in full swing. It had been revitalized by Reagan’s rise and the platform that his Presidency provided for a growing evangelical right.
By the end of the eighties 到八十年代末
be in full swing 全面展开
to be revitalized 重新焕发了活力
a growing evangelical right 不断增长的福音派权利
Gaudy televangelists decried “feminazis” and argued that abortion threatened women’s traditional roles as caretakers and mothers.
Gaudy televangelists 华而不实的电视布道者
it just can't be further from the truth like it's split equally(这与事实相去甚远,就像它被平分一样)
The pandemic’s disruption of people’s daily schedules may have also had a knock-on effect on sleep, says Das. - TIME